Marvin Onderwater & Wendy Kimani – The hunk & the singer!

Wendy Kimani is a Kenyan singer and actress who moved to The Netherlands in 2014 after her marriage to Marvin Onderwater. In their first ever full length joint interview on camera, The Onderwaters (Wendy & Mavin) who are now blessed with a baby boy called Taji, spoke about everything ranging from how and where they met, to their first kiss, their marriage, the post-natal issues faced by Wendy, her music career and her new projects.

In the Kenyan media, it is not unusual to read about Marvin being described sometimes as the handsome Swedish, sometimes Danish and even sometimes Belgian husband of Wendy Kimani. Africa Web TV started by asking Marvin to clarify the issue of his nationality once and for all.

It turns out Marvin and Wendy met online way before Facebook and social media, online dating became a multi-billion business. They met in 2007 on MySpace which at that time doubled as a place where (budding) artists showcased their work and where apparently people also met and talked! But why would Marvin go online to find a girl from Kenya when with his looks, he could get any Dutch girl he wanted? And could Wendy not find a guy in Kenya? These are some of the questions they answered in this extensive interview. What were the challenges they such a long distance relationship faced?

They finally got married in 2014 in Kenya. While there was a brief thought of both of them settling in Kenya, for practical reasons, they decided to settle in The Netherlands. In 2017, their marriage was blessed with a baby boy called Taji. Having a baby has brought big changes and challenges to their lives. Wendy Kimani talks freely about her post-natal struggles and challenges. She hopes by sharing her experiences, she could help other women in the same situation. The adjustment to the new reality was not as easy as people make it to be.

For Wendy moving here meant she had to make a change of plans as far as her music career was concerned. She has not been very active in the music scene but she is not been sitting idle. While working on resuming her music career full time, Wendy is simultaneously starting a new career as a vlogger! She will be in Kenya soon to record new songs too.

Watch the whole 2-part interview here;


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