Kidnappers & Nigerian Police beware!
The process of rebuilding our arsenal of equipment stolen by kidnappers in Nigeria is taking shape. Materially, Africa Web TV suffered the most losses during the life-changing experience on Sunday 4th of May 2014 on the Dodo Rivers of Bayelsa state. Material things can be replaced. And as you can see they are being replaced. There is however not a day that goes by that we have not thought of the terror we all felt. The terror our great white friends must have felt in those horrible days they were in captivity in a strange land. Also our jailing (by the Nigeria Police) with terrible criminals even as were still in the middle of the trauma of being taken on high seas has left a big mark. That is what you call after-care, Nigerian Police style!

As Africa Web TV however, we don’t want (nor do we have the need) to go through our psychological healing process in public. In any case, we heal faster if we keep working like before. We lost a bit of our innocence and more. We will continue to work on that. Our trip to Kenya immediately afterwards has really helped to give us back our mental and physical footing. We are ready to turn over the leaf and resume what we are good at which is video making and showing you the other side of Africa and Africans.
From our initial estimate we have lost at least €10,000 worth of equipment. That is a lot for us as a small but honest and forthright organisation. Because we had to go to Nairobi right after we came back from Nigeria, we had no time to replace the lost items. We have called our insurance people but they are not forthcoming at the moment. Nobody else involved is willing even to compensate our loss. That was why we went to Nairobi with a makeshift camera.

However, we are getting new and better materials and some of them are coming in as we speak. We hope by the end of next week to have a new arsenal of equipment to bring you the next phase in our mission.
Africa Web TV is a small organisation with giant-sized ambitions and goals. Many new people are coming on board with new ideas. Just watch out for all our reports. We have a mission to fulfil. Kidnappers and the Nigerian Police beware; you can never stop us from reaching our goal! We are just going to get even better!