Happy Holiday wishes to you from the crew of Africa Web TV. We wish you a very exciting and healthy 2021 ❤
Tweets by africawebtv
© Africa Web TV 2020
Happy Holiday wishes to you from the crew of Africa Web TV. We wish you a very exciting and healthy 2021 ❤
Tweets by africawebtv
© Africa Web TV 2020
This was a Members-only first video! It is considered an abomination to get married or perform any important rituals in November in Zimbabwe! The Shona’s of Zimbabwe believe that the Gods are on vacation then and marriages that happen in November are doomed to fail! This video gives you a small taste of our upcoming…
Ask a Friend is a way of finding out what is happening in Africa and the rest of the world during the current Covid-19 pandemic. What is the situation in Kenya as we speak? We give a call to Africa Web TV’s Nairobi presenter, Christine Nyotta to give us an update on the situation in…
Africa Web TV at a rehearsal of Rufus, a social comedy play by Liquid Entertainments Arts in Nairobi Kenya. The play will be shown at the Kenya National theatre later in the month. The play is directed by Peter Tosh.
American economist Professor, Jeffrey Sachs exposes how America, its Western allies, the CIA and the defence industry have rigged the system to keep Africa from being prosperous. It is a stunning expose and rebuke to the present world order. Jeffrey David Sachs is an American economist, academic, public policy analyst and former director of The…
PLO Lumumba says African political leaders are not honest. Watch the whole video here: https://youtu.be/EKuFxFYUtqo https://tiktok.com/@africawebtv https://instagram.com/africawebtv https://facebook.com/webtvafrica Tweets by africawebtv https://africawebtv.nl © Africa Web TV 2023
Ebola knows no borders. Ebola is a spirit! Udoh returns from a trip to find his whole house in quarantine! Affiong shows her caring side by insisting that Udoh goes into quarantine too.