Meeting Beau van Erven Dorens

Meeting Beau van Erven Dorens

Sometimes meeting famous television personalities can be underwhelming. Many take their TV egos, personalities and sometimes, arrogance with them into the real life. After all many of them think their fictional persona have to be maintained for whatever reasons. In The Netherlands Africa Web TV has met some B or C list TV personalities before…

Affiong Goes To Europe

Affiong Goes To Europe

Africa Web TV is proud to lift the lid on her “secret” project. A project so secret we have been talking about it for weeks now. Affiong Goes To Europe follows the adventures of Aunt Affy (Anita Hogan), an extroverted Calabar woman who is on a visit to her younger cousin Udoh in Holland. In…

The real Ice Bucket Challenge

The real Ice Bucket Challenge

The current Ice Bucket Challenge craze is an example of how people can unite to make a difference for good. From celebrities to just everybody, from presidents to the street vendor, everyone is united in their quest to raise awareness for the Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ALS is a chronic, progressive, almost always fatal neurological…

The Laseges

Meeting the Laseges

In 2013 Africa Web TV had a very ambitious project to make a documentary film about the racial divide or lack of it in modern Europe. We were going to look at this delicate issue from within the eyes of the Africans living in various parts of Europe. One of the people Africa Web TV…