PLO Lumumba | Why Africa is Attractive To China | How to make Africa Work

PLO Lumumba | Why Africa is Attractive To China | How to make Africa Work

 Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba is a staunch Pan-Africanist who has delivered several powerful speeches alluding to or about African solutions to African problems. Lumumba is the director of The Kenya School of Laws. He is an admirer of Patrice Lumumba and Thomas Sankara, the deceased and assassinated revolutionary leaders of the Democratic Republic of…

Julius Malema’s Africa Day Speech That Got People Talking Around The World

Julius Malema’s Africa Day Speech That Got People Talking Around The World

This is the Africa Day speech of Julius Malema in 2018 that got the whole of Africa talking. He berates the colonialists and demands economic freedom. He eulogises African liberation activists while lambasting the greedy African heads of states. The charismatic leader of the EFF in South Africa also wants the name of the country…

3 Times Rwandan President Paul Kagame Has Called Out French And British Arrogance | Epic shutdown.

3 Times Rwandan President Paul Kagame Has Called Out French And British Arrogance | Epic shutdown.

President Paul Kagame is the straight-talking leader of Rwanda. He is never afraid to stand up for Africa. These are 3 moments when he has spoken up for the dignity and pride of African and Rwandans. He blasts the arrogance of the French, the superiority complex of the British and the one-way traffic concept of…