Africa Makes Things Too Difficult For Itself – PLO Lumumba #Shorts

Africa Makes Things Too Difficult For Itself – PLO Lumumba #Shorts

Africa needs to make things easier for itself by integrating. Watch the full video here – Please consider joining this channel to get access to perks: Tweets by africawebtv © Africa Web TV 2021 #PLOLumumba #Shorts

Black African History In Unusual Places Around The World | The Afro-Bolivians

Black African History In Unusual Places Around The World | The Afro-Bolivians

There are many countries in the world people don’t often associate with Black African history but they should. In this series Africa Web TV takes you on a historical journey to highlight some of the places where you would least expect a strong African presence. In this episode, we take you to Bolivia which currently…

President Kagame | Africa Leaders Don’t Need To Go Outside Africa To Solve Their Problems

President Kagame | Africa Leaders Don’t Need To Go Outside Africa To Solve Their Problems

African leaders must solve African problems in Africa and not in Europe or elsewhere abroad. According to President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, Africa should be ashamed of going to Paris for photo opportunities. Please consider joining this channel to get access to perks: Tweets by africawebtv © Africa Web TV…

Eminent American Economist Jeffrey Sachs Exposes The Truth About How The West Is Keeping Africa Poor

Eminent American Economist Jeffrey Sachs Exposes The Truth About How The West Is Keeping Africa Poor

American economist Professor, Jeffrey Sachs exposes how America, its Western allies, the CIA and the defence industry have rigged the system to keep Africa from being prosperous. It is a stunning expose and rebuke to the present world order. Jeffrey David Sachs is an American economist, academic, public policy analyst and former director of The…

Can You Name 5 Countries In Africa #Shorts

Can You Name 5 Countries In Africa #Shorts

Can you name 5 countries in Africa? South Arabia is part of Africa according to this guy! Watch the full video here Join this channel to get access to perks: Tweets by africawebtv © Africa Web TV 2021

Africa Is Not Poor! – Part 2 #Shorts

Africa Is Not Poor! – Part 2 #Shorts

OXFAM, UNICEF, BAND-AID etc. always paint a wrong picture and perpetuate the narrative that Africa is a continent of misery. Mallence Bart-Williams exposes their hypocrisy and says Africa is not poor! Join this channel to get access to perks: Tweets by africawebtv #MallenceBartWilliams #Oxfam #Unicef

Cape Town | Beautiful & Breathtaking | Natural African Beauty | South African Drone Shots

Cape Town | Beautiful & Breathtaking | Natural African Beauty | South African Drone Shots

Beautiful shots of Cape Town. Through the centuries Cape Town has grown up into a most beautiful, bustling and cosmopolitan city. It is the 10th most populous city in Africa. Cape Town is also one of the world’s most culturally diverse cities. Next time you are looking for a place to go, put Cape Town…